Tuesday, April 22

ASP.NET MVC Areas to organize an Application

Introduction: Asp.net MVC allows us to split an application into multiple logical groups/modules which are called areas. In this demo, I’ll create two areas – Finance and Marketing. Each area will hold and display employee list of its own department.
Create a MVC 5 project.
Add Area: In the solution explorer, right click the project | Add| Area | enter name (Finance in this example). Add another area and name it (Marketing in this example).
After adding the areas, the structure should look like as shown in screenshot below.

Check configuration: Two important files - FinanceAreaRegistration.cs and MarketingAreaRegistration.cs files are being added. These files are used to configure the routing system for the area. 
The configuration of the area is called from application_start method in global.aspx.
Implement Finance Module:
Add Finance class and financeRepository class under the “Models” folder for “Finance” area.
The classes are being implemented with the following code:

Add controller (FinanceController)  under controller folder. Write the following code in FinanceController.cs file.
Add view: Right click on Index action method of financeController and create a view called “index” by accepting default option. The structure of “Finance” area should look like this.
Write the following code in “index.cshtml” file under “view” folder. This view will implement “finance” model.
 Debug the project. The output shows “Finance” and “Marketing” tabs. Click on “Finance” tabs and here is the output.
Also, the "Marketing" area has been implemented.Here is the output: